Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Make a Database Diagram in SQL2005.

If you have a good sized database like I do and you need to see a visual snapshot of how the tables relate to each other as well as all the columns, then use the Database Diagrams option under the database!

This might seem like an OBVIOUS statement but believe it or not, I recently forgot how in the world I got this nice little printed out diagram of my database which hangs near my desk! (so sad)

Under your database, there will be a folder named 'Database Diagrams' - you can right click on this folder and add a new diagram. This is nice because you can arrange the tables of your database just how you like them (expanding or contracting) -- change the size, etc.

For me, I made my own diagram...enlarged so that it fit on four pages of paper. I printed off the those pages then was able to go to a larger printer and print a larger poster style (we have a very large database) .

Again, this was extremely handy because I am a visual learner and I absolutely needed this diagram to understand how our data related.

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